Saturday, January 16, 2010

Afghan MPs reject many new Karzai cabinet nominees | he Afghan parliament has rejected 10 of 17 new cabinet nominees suggested by President Hamid Karz

The Afghan parliament has rejected 10 of 17 new cabinet nominees suggested by President Hamid Karzai.

The vote comes two weeks after MPs turned down most of Mr Karzai's first choices, dealing him a serious blow.

Two key posts were approved - Zalmay Rasul as foreign minister and Habibullah Ghalib as justice minister.

However, MPs backed only one of the president's three women nominees, Amina Afzali, who becomes work and social affairs minister.

The two women put forward for the posts of public health and women's affairs were rejected.

Correspondents say it is not clear when the president will propose names to fill the vacant positions and when Parliament would then vote for these candidates.

After the first vote on 2 January, Mr Karzai ordered MPs to cancel their winter break to speed up progress towards getting a functioning government in place.

The rejection of 17 of Mr Karzai's 24 original choices was seen as a blow to his authority, already damaged after an election marred by fraud in August.

The new list included none of the previously rejected nominees.

MPs spent the last week questioning the new candidates ahead of Saturday's vote, which was carried out by secret ballot.

Mr Karzai faces strong international pressure to create a government that can oversee reforms.

The UN has said international funding for Afghanistan's parliamentary elections this year will depend on reform of the country's election institutions.

Mr Karzai is also under pressure to form a government before a crucial donor conference in London on 28 January.

Source: BBC News


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