Tired of the same old TV shows? Check out OinkerNet's Guinea Pig TeleVision, an aptly described 'almost live' camera fixed on the daily lives of a group of pet Guinea Pigs.
On Oinkernet you can watch Guinea Pigs in their respective apartments or out and about in their "town". The image changes about every two minutes.
Says Oinkernet: "If you can't see a piggy, they are either in their condo's or in another part of the environment."
Oinkernet also has some helpful Guinea Pig facts and an obituary page with tributes to the sites past stars, including Boopsie, Squeaker and Mr Chubbers, who are sadly no longer with us.
Visit Oinkernet.com to see the live guinea pig action. Meanwhile, here is a YouTube instructional video about bathing your guinea pigs:
Tags: Oinker Net, Guinea Pig, 8 Parts of Speech, Guinea Pigs, 8 Parts of Speech and Definition, Guinea pig action, Meanwhile, Pig facts
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