Monday, March 15, 2010

Erin Andrews Peephole Video | Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures | Erin Andrews | Erin Andrews Video | Michael David Barrett | Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures

All she’s done since the Erin Andrews peephole video made the viral rounds is try to live her life. It has been difficult, but TV sports reporter and celebrity Erin Andrews, 31, may yet find closure now that her stalker, Michael David Barrett, has been sentenced to prison. Sadly, the 48-year-old insurance executive who stalked Erin Andrews without personal loans and taped her naked through a hole in a hotel wall in October 2009 will not be receiving his just desserts. As Andrews put it in during her press conference outside a Los Angeles court, “30 months is not enough,” but at least her struggle may prompt hotels to pay more attention to guest privacy and security.

Erin Andrews says Congress should demand stiffer penalty

Michael David Barrett had been under house arrest in his Illinois home on $100,000 bond until trial, reports E! Online. He admitted to being the Erin Andrews stalker back in December 2009, and court documents indicate that he was stalking at least 16 other women. Andrews said in court that she hoped he’d “never see the light of day.” In addition to the sentenced 30 months of time in federal prison, it seems likely that Michael David Barrett will be required to pay $300,000 to $400,000 in restitution. He may need a personal loan.

Returning to the ’she asked for it’ argument U.S. News and World Report once offered

It’s unbelievable to me that anyone can say that Erin Andrews was asking to be stalked because she’s an attractive woman on television who happened to cover male-dominated sports. By that logic, any woman who isn’t afraid to be a woman and be beautiful is “asking for it,” particularly if they work with men.
It’s ridiculous, but that’s exactly what Bonnie Erbe wrote in U.S. News and World Report. That anyone – let alone a woman – could say that about Erin Andrews, or even suggest that she should have known what she was getting into by entering male sports culture just boggles the mind.

The Erin Andrews peephole video does not represent male culture, sports or otherwise

Michael David Barrett displays the signs of a sociopath in stalking – essentially terrorizing – his subjects of desire. Erin Andrews didn’t deserve any of this, and 30 months could be construed as a slap on the wrist by some. Sure $300,000 to $400,000 tacked on is a lot of money, but what about the principle here? Without her consent, Erin Andrews was filmed in the nude, then the peephole video was distributed on the World Wide Web, perhaps even sold. Not only is that criminal, but it is an invasion.
It may not be the same as physical rape, but it isn’t far removed. It’s the kind of thing a culture that approves of violence toward women could laugh off, yet it is deathly serious. Without consent, Michael David Barrett did lasting damage. We should expect a better world for our daughters, as I do for my own. News

Tags: erin andrews Erin Andrews peephole video Erin Andrews stalker Michael David Barrett personal loan Personal Loans, erin andrews peephole pictures, erin andrews, erin andrews video, michael david barrett, erin andrews video peep pictures


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