Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jesse James Rumor and Sandra Bullock Divorce | Oscar-winning actress Sandra

Sandra Bullock | Jesse James | Jesse James Rumor and Sandra Bullock Divorce | Jesse James Nazi Pics | Jessie James Mistress | Sandra Bullock Pics | Pictures of Sandra Bullock | Tattoo Model Michelle | Bombshell | Locklear and Michael Jackson | Divorce Update of Jesse James and Sandra | Sandra Bullock's publicist | Bullock's associates

Some Point out facts of the Divorced of Sandra and Jesse James Rumor Read It.

Latest Update of Jesse James Rumor and Sandra Bullock Mistress Divorce.

Hot Sandra and Jesse James Divorce News and Update of  Divorce Cases Mistress.

The very idea that Sandra Bullock may seek a divorce from Jesse James is withstanding whatever Bullock's publicist might say.

This news has been one big back and forth in one Tuesday day, starting with's sources asserting that both Bullock and James were seeking divorce, and that news being transferred around the Internet, then allegedly Bullock's publicist (or someone claiming to be that) telling only a few selected news blogs the divorce news wasn't true, only to see that effort slam-dunked by Bill Zwecker at the Chicago Sun-Times with a new blog that his sources claimed the divorce process was in motion.

And all of this on the same day that President Barack Obama signed Health Care Reform legislation into law.

If content is to be the judge, then a divorce of some kind is in the offing. The problem for Sandra Bullock's publicist is the person's being overwhelmed by Bullock's associates and others claiming to be Bullock's associates issuing news that at times runs counter to what the publicist says. That and the fact that the publicist lacks the New Media tools to get a handle on the situation.

Add to that TMZ and In Touch Magazine, and who knows who else paying for people to talk to them or provide videos and photos and it's all one big mess of conflicting information. So if you're searching around the Internet trying to get a grip on the right information, good luck.

Some Basic Facts Point Out of The Sandra and Jesse James Divorce: 

  •  Sandra Bullock was allegedly cheated on by her husband Jesse James.
  •  Sandra Bullock has known this for some time and before the Oscar ceremony.
  •  Sandra Bullock left home and away from Jesse James.
  •  Sandra Bullock has cancelled a number of appearances since the news hit the media.
  •  Jesse James lost his dog, then got him back
  •  Michelle "Bombshell" McGee was a model wearing a Nazi bikini and arm band.
  •  Michelle "Bombshell" McGee is a porn actress and a stripper.
  •  Michelle "Bombshell" McGee was paid for her story.
  •  Sandra Bullock was trying to help Jesse James keep custody of his kids.

That's what's known as of this point in time. The divorce news is too conflicting to be solid, but there's certainly smoke around the story, and where there's smoke there's a fire that may be too big for Bullock's publicist to put out.

Tags: Sandra Bullock, Jesse James, Jesse James Rumor and Sandra Bullock Divorce, Jesse James Nazi Pics, Jessie James Mistress, Sandra Bullock Pics, Pictures of Sandra Bullock, Tattoo Model Michelle, Bombshell, Locklear and Michael Jackson, Divorce Update of Jesse James and Sandra, Sandra Bullock's publicist, Bullock's associates,


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