Friday, March 5, 2010

Same-sex marriage and adoption law implemented in Mexico city !

Finally on Thursday Mexico City implemented the same-sex marriage and adoption of child by the same-sex partners. Mayor Marcelo Ebrard the Mexico City mayor has said that the officials will do everything to implement the law. Since gay rights activists are quite apprehensive about the implementation of the law as the conservative politicians have said that they would do everything in their power to chip away the same-sex marriage rights.

Last month the Mexican Institute for sexology held a workshop for 60 Civil Registry judges who will be performing the weddings. The institute’s founder and director Juan Luis Alvarez-Gayou said that this week another workshop for 120 civil judges will be held who might have to give rulings on domestic issues after the marriage.

The law is implemented just a day after a same-sex marriage was performed in Argentina. Previously the couple was denied the marriage by the nation’s capital, Buenos Aires officials but a civil ceremony was performed on Wednesday after a judge issued a ruling which allowed the two men, Damien Bernath and Jorge Salazar to get married. This is the first gay marriage in Buenos Aries and second in Argentina, first one took place in Tierra del Fuego after the capital city denied a permit and calling it illegal.

This law of Mexico City can be viewed as a beginning of a new era, when the Latin American nations are opening up and accepting the same-sex marriage. In many Latin American countries the same-sex marriage issue is decided on local and state level, but one can only hope it gets a wider and national acceptance soon.


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