Sunday, January 31, 2010

Acid-washed is an 'ironic' fashion, never meant to flatter

When I wear my new acid-washed jeans, my boyfriend says I look like Jon Bon Jovi and starts whistling Whitesnake songs. He also said that I look like a Spitting Image sketch featuring Rod Stewart. What can I do?

Drifter, Lonely street of dreams

Drifter, I like the sound of your ­boyfriend, or at least the sound of his cultural reference points. ­Whitesnake? Bon Jovi? Spitting ­Image? Rod ­Stewart? All vibing off one pair of jeans? And get you, with the ­Whitesnake-lyric reference in your ­address (obviously, I had to look that up – I'm not that sad; sorry, I mean erudite). I would like to spend an evening round at yours with your iPod on shuffle, I don't mind telling you.

But to your question. I'm not sure if there's much you can do, Drifter, because you are caught between high fashion and straightforward ­aesthetics. The former is where you reside, ­embracing with suspicious keenness the re-emergence of acid-washed denim as a fashionable look ­(suspicious, I say, because your ­palpable pride, clear from the way you describe the jeans so lovingly, suggests you have been waiting for this fashion moment for the past, oh, 20 years).

Your Whitesnake-whistling ­gentleman, however, is more interested in straightforward aesthetics because – and I say this with nothing but respect for your fashion devotion – no one has ever looked good in acid-wash denim. Ever. I'd apologise for the brusqueness of my commentary here but you're a smart lady and you already know that looking good is not the point of acid-washing.

Acid-washing falls under a category known in the trade as "ironic fashion" (see also: leg warmers, jumpsuits, high-heeled trainers, boilersuits and anything that is overly literal in its 70s or 80s homage). This is fashion that isn't interested in being flattering; it's about making a reference. But I am guessing that your boyfriend is one of the many people in the world who believes that irony is an attitude that is best expressed orally, not sartorially. Am I right, or am I right?

And so, Drifter, you and me and your Bon Jovi aficionado reach an impasse. The two of you will never agree here. You're like America's right- and leftwing, and any attempt at ­compromise will end in ignominy, ­simply ­because it is impossible.

But I suspect you will not be easily parted from your much-loved, long-awaited acid-washed numbers. So I guess the only thing to do here is to ­develop a fondness for Whitesnake ­being whistled at you. And I also ­suspect that this, too, will come to you naturally.

I have started to wear my jeans with turn-ups of about 2in. I think I am in danger of looking like a sailor, but I feel more comfortable doing this than going for the jeans-tucked-into-boots military look, which is not that comfortable and not really appropriate for a man in his mid-30s. Friends seem to be critical whichever style I go for. Help.

Confused Boots, London

Well, Confused, I think you are well named here because it is clear that your confusion lies not so much with your jeans but with your boots.

Here is what I think: while I'm not sure if it is "not really appropriate" for a man in his 30s to tuck his jeans into his boots, I would say it's a little too "Hey! Have you checked out my boots?" from any person of any age.

But you don't like the turn-ups, ­either. Confused, you're going to have to make a choice and commit here: ­either you tuck them in, roll them up, ­or get slimmer boots in the Chelsea boot mode and let the jeans hang over them. You may be able to get away with being high-maintenance in all other aspects of your life, able to bend the world to your specific liking, but in the fashion world we don't have any truck with such nonsense – you just have to deal with it.

Of course, the other option is you get a pair of sailor-style trousers, or even flares, and then you don't have to do anything at all, but rather let them fall naturally around your beloved boots. Oh, wait a minute, you don't like the naval look either, right? Confused, I wash my hands.
Source: Guardian UK

Tags: bon jovi, sheryl crow age, bon jovie, bon jovi wife, sugarland, ironic fashion, acid-washed is an ironic fashion, fashion, acid-washed jeans, Jon Bon Jovi and starts whistling Whitesnake songs, Jon bon jovi songs, whistling whitesnakse songs online, free songs of whitesnake, free online jon bon jovi and starts whistling songs,


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