Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cure hangover with yoga

Too much alcohol last night? Use these techniques to beat that nagging headache.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Sit with one knee bent on the ground, now place the other leg across it
With the opposite arm, lock the knee from outside and grasp the foot
Keep other arm behind the back, twist the spine and look back
Hold for 10-30 seconds, breathing normally
Repeat on the other side

Bhungasana and Parvatasana 1&2

Lie down on your stomach
Keep your palms next to your chest
Inhale, arch up
Now, exhale lifting your hips upwards while pressing your head downwards
Your knees should be straight. Repeat this five times breathing correctly


Sit on your heels
Make a fist with both hands keeping the thumb inside
Put your fists on the navel
Inhale deeply. Now exhale completely while bending forward
Hold your posture as long as you can
Do this posture for three times breathing correctly

Kunjal Kriya

Drink six glasses of lukewarm water with one teaspoon of salt per litre. Drink the water very fast.
When the stomach is full, the urge to vomit will occur automatically. Bend forward 90 degrees.
Open the mouth and place the middle and index fingers of the right hand as far back on the tongue as possible and press gently.
The water will gush out from the stomach. Any alcohol remaining in the stomach will come out. Do this kriya before sleeping and after waking up in the morning.


When you begin with Kunjal and follow up with these postures and then the breathing, you will feel as fresh as a daisy! There will be no adverse effect of the alcohol on your body. The postures will help improve blood flow; the breathing techniques will help to oxygenate the blood, thus expanding the blood vessels. The alcohol will quickly be eliminated as a result.

Source: Men's Health India


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